Lead Jacketed, Paper Wire, Tar Sealed, Bakelite Terminal Block 3
Battery 519, Fort Miles, July 2009

This Terminal Block is most likely a post WWII installation using WWII materials.
As found in 519
(FMHA photo)

Repaired in 519
(FMHA photo)

Initial separation and cleaning July 30, 2009

First terminal block July 31, 2009

Second terminal block August 01, 2009

Painting August 02, 2009

Enclosure August 03, 2009
After installation
during August 2009 Event

Rough in of cable from Terminal block 2, December 12, 2009
Cable installed
(not connected)
South Signal Recess
Opposite of Terminal Block 3

Splice replaced with Terminal block indentical to Terminal Block 1.
This allows for and additional alarm cable from Terminal block 2
and additional time interval bell wire from Motor/Generator Room. September 04, 2011

Created: 07-31-2009
Last Update: .