Vacation, July 2009
Scott with the 3in Scott & Jason with the 3in couple seconds should do they'll get a bang outta this!
Big guy, big gun, no problem..
girl with attitude...
it's ok she's smiling now... you're in trouble now!! outside in bed clothes, so?
all alone in the dunes 10 secs & he just slid in.. ain't she just the prettiest girl? the big guy's happy
what's on her mind?
darlin' ya need sunblock! they're at it again... the cape's right up there
I swear, really!
it's the Birkenstocks
you had to be there...
I'm watching you.. yep the cape's up there
the sign says so.
they're my rocks! look ma, no hands!

Created: 07-17-2009
Last Update: .